95th Gebirgsjäger Division

We are a living history group located in the Pacific Northwest and in Canada dedicated to
keeping the training, fighting spirit, courage and the passion for the outdoors of the German and Austrian mountain troops during WWII. This is accomplished through various living history events in Canada and the US.
We are an all-inclusive a group of historical reenactors. We are not a political organization, and we have a zero-tolerance policy for politically extremist/unethical activity, or discrimination
of an individual based on gender, creed, or orientation.
Realistically reenacting the battles of WWII can increase the risk of injury to participants, therefore we focus on being as authentic as possible while also holding the health and safety of our members paramount.
As a non-political living history organization, we do not support or condone any neo-nazi, extremist, or anti-American organizations or activities.